Mathews Range
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Mathews Range
250km mountain range in Northern Kenya
Lush riverine valleys and thick forests
Cultural interaction with the Samburu
The Mathews Range is a mountain range that stretches from south to north for about 150km. It is surrounded by the plains of the Northern Frontier in Kenya, a remote and virtually untouched area. This is the home of many interesting tribes and successful conservation projects.
The Mathews Range sits in the Namunyak Community Conservancy and raises above the arid plains of the north. The highest point is Warges at 2688 metres above sea level. It is the final frontier before Lake Turkana and it offers some quite off the beaten track camps. A visit to this area does include wildlife viewing, but for most it is probably more about visiting remote areas, experience incredible wilderness, remoteness and some really interesting culturual interactions such as the "singing wells". A visit to the nearby Reteti Elephant Orphanage, Africa’s first community owned elephant sanctuary, is well worth your time. Further to the east, in the neighbouring Sera Conservancy, a population of rare black rhino can be tracked on foot from Saruni Rhino Camp.

It’s here, at the foot of the Mathews Mountains, where one of the world’s most successful community conservation movements has come to life. Following two decades of poaching, Namunyak Community Conservancy was established in 1995 to promote wildlife conservation and allow the Samburu community to benefit from tourism, while protecting this wilderness and the many wildlife species living on their land.

In the following 25 years wildlife recovered and today Namunyak Community Conservancy is a treasure trove of rare and often uncatalogued species. Namunyak serves as a critical wildlife refuge for many species and holds important northern populations of reticulated giraffe, gerenuk, leopard, African wild dog, impala lion, greater kudu and many bird species.

The conservancy is particularly important for elephant as they move seasonally between the Mathews Range and Mt. Kenya respectively the Ngare Ndare Forest, a route they have been using for decades.

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