Details & Prices
Per person per night
CHF 142-168Double Room

Dinner, breakfast.

Location:Wuparo Conservancy
Children: from 1 to 12 years
We create bespoke journeys for our clients based on specific requirements and time of travel.

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Nkasa Lupala Lodge
Nkasa Lupala NP (Mamili), Caprivi

Nkasa Lupala tented lodge is built on the banks of one of the many channels of the Kwando-Linyanti river system. This unique Namibian wetland paradise in the eastern Caprivi region, is commonly known as Mamili and was recently renamed Nkasa Lupala National Park.

The lodge has 10 luxury tents constructed on raised platforms, with en-suite bathroom facilities and a nice wooden deck to sit outside and relax. A central main area with bar, dining room, lounge facility, kitchen, storage, office and view point is linked to the rooms through a network of pathways.

The lodge is totally energy self-sufficient for electricity and water heating by using solar panels.

Nkasa Lupala tented lodge is situated on the Lupala island less than 300m from the Nkasa Lupala NP (Mamili NP) border and the fact that there is no fence will allow large mammals and other animals to roam freely in the vicinity of the lodge.

75 km from Kongola
130 km from Katima Mulilo
250 km from Kasane
320 km from Victoria Falls
480 km from Rundu

Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge is on the Mamili NP boundaries, 1km East from the Shisintze ranger station and park entrance and 11km South from Sangwali village.

From Kongola and Katima Mulilo, follow the C49 road up to the junction to the Sangwali village (direction Mamili NP). The C49 road is a maintained gravel road from Kongola and mainly tarred from Katima Mulilo.

From Sangwali take the road to the Mamili NP. (4x4 is advised or call the lodge for pick-up, there is a safe parking for normal vehicles in Sangwali). Once arrived to the Shisintze ranger station on the road that is the park boundary cutline, drive east for 1km and you are arrived to the lodge.

In a vast arid country, Nkasa Lupala (or also called Nkasa Rupara) National Park holds the distinction of being the largest wetland area with conservation status in Namibia. It was proclaimed in 1990, shortly before Namibia’s Independence.

Spectacular herds of elephant, buffalo, red lechwe and reedbuck are among the highlights of any game-viewing experience. Crocodiles grow quite big and the numbers of hippos in the area is quite impressive. Lion, Leopard, Impala, Kudu, Zebra, Wildebeest, Roan and Sable are all present.

During the rainy season, areas of the park can become flooded and inaccessible, and yet it remains a sanctuary for birds. With more species of birds recorded here than anywhere else in Namibia, the Park is a bird-watcher’s paradise.

Game drives in the Nkasa Lupala NP (Mamili), Mudumu NP and Wuparo Conservancy. Night drives are also possible, mainly during the dry winter months. Boat cruises on the channels of the Kwando-Linyanti delta and on the Linyanti river, walking safaris, visits of a traditidional village.

Good to know
Nkasa Lupala NP is a remote area and borders the Linyanti System in Botswana. The Kwando River forms the border between the two countries.

Nkasa Lupala Lodge on the map

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